Now is the perfect time to reflect and express gratitude for what brings us joy…

like family fun at the Quarry!

This year marks the Friends of Hopewell Quarry’s (FOHQ), a NJ 501(c)(3), 4th year of stewardship of the Quarry property. Since 2016, many partners, donors and volunteers have contributed to our mission of preserving this historic resource as protected open space. In addition, we were happy to host many new visitors as our community continues to expand.

We have achieved so much together so far!

  • Founding the FOHQ

    as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

  • Securing Funding to Purchase the Hopewell Quarry

    Through New Jersey State Green Acres and Mercer County Open Space assistance grants, as well as generous community member donations and loans we were able to the purchase Hopewell Quarry property in August 2021.

  • Critical Facility Upgrades

    In 2022-23 totaling $100,000+ including re-plastering the kids’ pool, replacing 3 swim rafts, replacing fences, tree maintenance and installing the Quarry railing.

  • Continued Stewardship

    Implementation of our Native Plant Garden and other native plantings through the Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve Plant Grant Program.

  • Making the Quarry More Accessible

    Providing economically diverse options with day pass and participation in the NJ Family First Discover Program allowing lower income families to receive discounted passes.

  • Expanding Quarry Programs

    Including: expanding the number of swimming classes and the ages served; establishing a wellness program; programing outside of the swimming season; educating the community about the biodiversity of the Quarry property with help from partnering organizations.

  • Developing Relationships

    Developing beneficial relationships with the Watershed Institute, YMCA, and other nonprofits to work towards collective goals of Environmental Justice and expanding access to green space.

Our Goals

  • The challenge of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB’s) persist in the Quarry. Water bodies across the world are seeing an increase in algae blooms because of rising global temperatures. We continue to monitor the water per NJDEP guidelines to ensure that the Quarry is always safe to swim when open to the public.

    Currently, we have a comprehensive water mitigation solution that we are working to implement with environmental and water quality consultants.

    However, Continuous monitoring of the Quarry is an expensive task! Using your donations, we can get the water tested more frequently, ensuring our ability to treat HAB’s before they arise.

    We could not afford to do this without your support!

  • The Quarry originally opened in 1928…that means it is almost 100 years old! Many of the existing structures need to be repaired. Our top priorities include repointing our equipment storage shed and repairing the Quarry Kitchen.

  • In order to repair our restroom facilities, we must first replace our well and our septic. These are our biggest ticket items. We hope that a fully operational, ADA compliant restroom facility will enable us to expand our season.

  • In the next few years we hope to replace our restrooms an with ADA compliant facility. In addition, we want to repair the Quarry Kitchen in hopes of partnering with a local company to be able to offer food once more at the Hopewell Quarry.

All of these efforts are estimated to cost over $100,000!

We need your help!

If everyone gives what they can, we can reach our goal to properly steward the Quarry. Our goal is to have safe clean water in our beautiful park-like setting for decades to come. If 100 of you each gave $1,000, we would meet our goal!

We have exciting plans for the future; expanding adult swim hours, growing shade areas by planting older trees, and replacing our outdated restroom facilities and water well. It is a continued goal to expand swim lessons to adults and children through camps with financial aid and grant funding.

Please donate using the “Donate” button below.
Checks can be mailed to Friends of Hopewell Quarry, P.O. Box 528, Hopewell, NJ 08525.

We greatly appreciate your support!


  • A nonprofit organization is a group that operates to fulfill a specific mission or purpose, rather than to make a profit. Nonprofits focus on helping the community or addressing a cause, like education, health, or the environment. They use their resources to support their mission rather than making money for owners or shareholders. We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) dedicated to preserving this historic resource as protected open space and, through it, serving the public in perpetuity.

  • This is a special designation from the IRS in the U.S. that means the nonprofit is recognized as tax-exempt. This means they don’t have to pay federal income tax on the money they receive. It also means that donations people make to the nonprofit are often tax-deductible for the donor.

  • Nonprofits are just that, they make no profit! All passes sold go towards maintaining the property. Nonprofits typically get their funding through donations, grants, and sometimes membership fees. They might also host fundraising events. All of these are sources we utilize to achieve our mission of keeping the Quarry open to the public.

  • Nonprofits are required to use their funds responsibly and report on their activities to ensure they are staying true to their mission. Your donations will go towards achieving the goals listed above as well as other necessary costs. Want your donation to go towards a specific goal? Let us know via email at